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Projects and Programs

Tracks are not just physical entities left behind on the ground. We also leave 'tracks' on each other as we build relationships and memories. The more thoughtful we are about where we leave our tracks, the more positive our connections with others and the natural world can be.

Follow the tracks....

Three passionate educators, Caylin Gans, Landere Naisbitt, and Emily Champigny, started Tracks in January 2018 with the mission to deliver programming for children and young people. We partnered with local nonprofits and public schools to create weekend, after-school, and school-based programs for 5 to 13 year olds. The work has since evolved from direct program delivery, to consultancy and mentorship for teachers to build the skills and capacity to deliver programs themselves, to designing resources, workshops, and webinars for adults to inspire and enable others to do this work too.


When Tracks first started we were graduate students in Environmental Education at Antioch University New England in Keene, New Hampshire, USA. Since graduating in 2019 our passions have led us to new opportunities and places. Despite physical distance from each other and the move away from direct on the ground programming for children (at least for now), we are continuing to collaborate on various projects including resource development, workshops, and courses for adults interested in Forest School. So the momentum started by Tracks is continuing and evolving.


This website is a space to find out more about our past and current projects, access information and resources, and hopefully feel inspired to learn more about a Forest School approach (just like we do every day!). We hope you enjoy exploring, learning, and most of all playing alongside us as we work towards building strong connections with ourselves, each other, and the natural world.

Projects & Resources

Find out more about past projects and resources created and delivered through Tracks

Public School Forest Days

Kindergarten Forest Days is a program in which public school kindergarten teachers in Keene, New Hampshire take their classes outside into the school grounds and an adjacent city park for unstructured play time at least one morning per week (approximately 1.5 hrs), in all seasons, throughout the school year. Environmental educators contributed to the project from January to May 2019. This video highlights our experiences playing and learning with the forest!

Westmoreland After School Program

The Westmoreland after school program was based on a Forest School approach which aims to benefit participants' wellbeing, social connections, and environmental awareness through a play-based, place-based, and learner-led program design. It took place once a week for 2.5 hours after school and involved a total of 23 participants (ages 5 to 13), 3 educators, and 3 volunteers between March 2018 and June 2019.

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