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A Little bit about me







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Hi! My name is Caylin and I started Forest Schooled in 2016. At first, I hid behind the computer screen, writing blogs and creating resources while staying somewhat anonymous. To be honest, I liked it that way! For a while.


But then some really cool things started happening with Forest Schooled. I wrote a book (and some other publications), for one! Never thought I'd do that, but yet here we are.


And then I started to lead workshops and keynotes at conferences and other events. And so it seemed to make sense to share who I am with those who come across this website too...

So if you're curious about the human behind Forest Schooled, let me tell you a little bit about myself:


  • I grew up, mostly barefoot, on the Big Island of Hawaii.


  • Since then, I've lived in California (including 4 summers in Sequoia National Park), England, New Hampshire, and now Ottawa, Canada. These are mostly colonized names for these places. I recommend checking out this map to learn more about the Indigenous people of these Lands.


  • I didn't own a coat until I was 20 years old when I moved to England. Now I own 2 coats, 2 pairs of mittens, 2 fleece lined hats, several scarves, and I'm still cold in these Canadian winters. And I need warmer socks.


  • Despite the cold, I still love the snow and have taken up cross-country skiing. A far cry from the outrigger canoe paddling of my youth, AND just as fun.


  • I still like being barefoot.


  • I completed a Masters of Science in Environmental Education in 2019 with Antioch University New England in New Hampshire. For me learning experiences matter so much more than letters behind my name and this was a phenomenal program that I was privileged to get to do.


  • I started up my own programs, partnering with public schools and nonprofits, while living in New Hampshire. I called it TRACKS and you can follow my start up journey here.


  • Oh, and I think Forest School is a pretty wonderful way of becoming, and staying, connected to each other and the magical Land beneath our feet. I've worked in outdoor learning/environmental education for over 10 years, did a Forest School course while living in the UK in 2015-16, and have been delivering Forest School inspired programs ever since (and adapting how I do this every time I move countries).


  • Yes, I also believe in magic ;)


If you'd like to learn more about my work, believe in magic too, and/or think there's a way for me to support your work through a talk, workshop, or otherwise, please get in touch on my contact page or at

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