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Here's a collection of my  books and publications



Forest Schooled The Book Framed.jpg

Okay, you know that feeling when you have an idea and then someday that idea becomes a reality? It's an amazing feeling and one I am so happy to share with you now! After years of writing Forest Schooled, my stories are now nestled within the pages of a book alongside high quality full colour photographs I've lovingly taken over the years while out delivering programmes and exploring woodlands. I have rejoiced, cried, and stressed out while making this project come to life. It was a journey in and of itself to create a book about "my forest school journey." But hey, it wouldn't be Forest School if it didn't challenge, stretch, and transform us, right? After all that's the point of getting Forest Schooled...


So I hope others will truly enjoy having these stories in print, to read, reflect, and continue to inspire each other to do this work. THANK YOU to all of you for your support in getting here. The book is available for purchase through AMAZON or as an e-Book.

A little update from me...


I am really honoured and excited that there's been so much interest in my book since I published it in September 2019. I wanted to put it "out in the world" just to have my stories and photos lovingly gathered in one place, but couldn't have predicted how others have responded to it. Online orders keep coming in and I have also found out it's being assigned and recommended in graduate-level courses at universities and by Forest School training providers in multiple countries! My former university even published an article about it, which you can find here. I am blown away, really encouraged to continue doing this work, and deeply grateful.




What people are saying about Forest Schooled, The Book...



"Another fantastic Forest School book. This one, by Caylin Gans of Forest Schooled is brilliant. It’s a book I wish I had written but I’m super happy that Caylin has." - Lily Horseman, Chair of the Forest School Association, UK



“I would definitely say that this set of stories is so meaningful that you cannot help but walk and live through these experiences. It is hard not to be touched by these tales, documented by Caylin from when she started her Forest School path, on training to become a level 3 practitioner, to well into her Forest School years. I would hasten to say of all the blogs about Forest School this is the one to read, as it gets to the nub of what it means to be a reflective practitioner.” - Jon Cree, Founding Chair of the Forest School Association, UK



"A capacious and insightful read with beautiful photos and art! A must-read for anyone who wants to know more about outdoor learning and Forest School/Days! I am writing my masters thesis on nature-based learning, and this book has been a huge resource for me!" - Lara, Masters Student, USA

A Practical Guide for Forest School Leaders (or anyone really) to facilitating reflection in the outdoors


Reflection is an essential part of the learning process, but can be challenging to facilitate. This guide gives concise and practical advice for facilitating reflection in an outdoor setting that's suitable for learner-led educational approaches like Forest School. It's a good introduction for those who are new to the topic and wonder where to start, but it's also useful for experienced folk who wish to take a fresh look at their practice. Written by a Forest School Leader with a passion for learning along with contributions from a variety of people in the field, this guide is sure to light a fire (possibly even literally) and inspire you to find creative ways to encourage reflection in those you work with. Kindling and fire strikers not included...


Download the free PDF or purchase a printed copy that includes an extra 7 DAY REFLECTION CHALLENGE to make your learning more hands on.

A History of the UK & US Forest School Movement


A while ago I researched and wrote a literature review that takes a historical perspective on how the Forest School movement emerged in the United Kingdom and the United States (focus is limited to the UK and the US since those are places I've lived... so apologies to those who don't live in those countries!).


The result is a document I've titled A History of the UK & US Forest School Movement, with an emphasis on the "A" - this is because I want to acknowledge that histories are portrayed in different ways depending on who's telling the story. So I'd like to share with you the culmination of my research as one version of the story of the Forest School movement in the UK and US. I found it fascinating to research and write and hope you find it interesting to read!


Download the free PDF below!

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